ConnecT1D is founded on the basic principle that people with Type 1 Diabetes manage their disease better when they have strong connections and support from others. We are a volunteer-run and managed nonprofit organization, driven by passionate and engaged people who share a belief that social and emotional support is essential to diabetes management and well-being.
ConnecT1D fills a critical gap for people living with Type 1 Diabetes. It complements other diabetes organizations and provides a needed service for lifelong health. We connect people living with Type 1 Diabetes to the programs and services in their community through our calendar and monthly newsletter.
Check out what we do and let us know what you think.
ConnecT1D offers programs for everyone impacted by Type 1 Diabetes. From the newly diagnosed dealing with learning how to program basal rates to the wily veteran who changes their lancet annually, there's something for you here.
We believe that life with Type 1 Diabetes is made just a bit easier when you know someone else with the disease. Start here to find out ways to connect with the Type 1 Diabetes community.
The ConnecT1D Family Camp is our signature event and will be held September 30 - October 2, 2016 at Warm Beach Camp in Stanwood, WA. Click through to get all the information about this Type One of a kind program!