Getting Connected is easier than a blood test.

ConnecT1D keeps the T1D community informed through monthly Enewsletters, blog posts and regular updates to social media. If you are new to ConnecT1D or to Type 1 Diabetes, take these four steps:

1. Join the Enewsletter list by clicking on the link below.
2. Like us on Facebook.
3. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
4. Subscribe to the blog and check out the events calendar.

If you are a T1D veteran and/or interested in getting more involved, there are lots of ways to connect:

1. Attend an event near you to meet others with T1D.
2. Create an event to meet others - email us for help!
3. Volunteer at one of our upcoming events.
4. Donate to ConnecT1D.
5. Shop at companies that benefit ConnecT1D.
6. Apply for a key volunteer position at ConnecT1D.