Remix - Participant email.png

 Welcome to Remix Conference 2020

October 2-25, 2020

We are so glad you are here with us!

This page will serve as your main hub of information throughout the conference. Here you will find the schedule of events, links to FlipGrid (where we will post topics and activities weekly to engage with at your own pace), and speaker and panelist bios.

Scavenger Hunt - Get Searching You have until 12pm on 10/26

Remix Conference FlipGrid -

  • All participants aged 13 and over will have their own Flipgrid login, participants under 13 please use the login of one of your adults. To access our Flipgrid click here, and create an account.

  • The join code for our group is: clct1d.

  • Your participant (student) user name is your First Name and first initial of your last name eg: Catherine Adams -> CatherineA.

Have questions about Flipgrid? Ask Catherine or visit the FlipGrid page for a quick tutorial
Ceck in to FlipGrid to see the new content posted this week!

Zoom: All of our live events will be hosted via Zoom. We recommend that you download Zoom prior to the start of your first meeting via

For additional Zoom tips for participation reference this brief Zoom Cheat Sheet.

Double check your spam folders if your are missing the return email for Zoom small groups.

Take a look around. Within the posts you find more information about timing, content, and speaker information.

All of our panel sessions have a link to submit questions in advance of the event to our group of panelist.

Community Events

Youth Events

Live Saturday Sessions - the recording will be posted, if you missed it live or want to watch the session again.

We recorded the small group Ask Me Anything sessions on Tuesday, October 13,2020 due to the local power outages which prevented many people from participating live. Recordings will be post ASAP.